Company profile
Company profile
Company name Ryokokushoji Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment MAY 1, 1952
Capital ¥21,500,000
Representative PRESIDENT Yusuke Sasaki
Number of employees 15
Merchandise Grains (Soybean, Dehulled soybean, Edible bean,)
Wheat flour
Soybean flour, Soybean protein food
Vegetable oil
Coloring ingredient(Green King)
Head offices 5-7-5, Shoko-Center, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-0833 Japan
Phone +81-82-277-6455
FAX +81-82-278-0381
Gross sales ¥3,800,000,000 (April 2024)
Bank references Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd. Hiroshima Branch
Hiroshima Bank, Ltd. Hiroshima West Branch
Our policy
Respecting a blessing of the earth, we have been proud to enrich a diversity of people's table since our establishment.
We have grown and harvested crops, and developed various products and processing techniques with manufacturers to contribute to people's lives and health.

Exploring our own way to the future, we try to meet the needs of the times to play our part in the society by creating an affluent dietary lives.

In this way, we will continue to make an effort to become a more brilliant company for the 21st century.
1952 Established Hiroshima Ryokokushoji Co., Ltd. in Nobori-cho, Hiroshima.
1974 Head office moved to Nishikaniya-cho, Hiroshima with expansion of our business.
1980 Changed company's name to Ryokokushoji Co., Ltd.
1981 Head office moved to Shoko-Center, Hiroshima with expansion of our business.
1990 Established Product Development Department. Built soybean screening facility.
2000 Built soybean RGB full color sorter facility.
2006 Built a dehulling machine.